The Process of Applying for Medicaid in New York and New Jersey

As you get older, you will be faced with a range of important decisions about your assets, care, and family. Ensuring access to healthcare is one of the most critical aspects of aging, especially with the cost of care constantly rising. If you are low-income or have a disability, Medicaid can be an option for you, but it is important to understand the application process and the coverage that you will receive.

Qualifying for Medicaid

Generally, if you have high medical bills, receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or meet the financial requirements, you qualify for Medicaid in New York. Medicaid can cover all sorts of preventative care, including but not limited to immunizations, check-ups, emergency room visits, dental care, eyeglasses, and ambulance rides.

To qualify in New Jersey, you must be a citizen or legal permanent immigrant for at least 5 years, with the exception of pregnant people or children. There are some exceptions to the 5-year limit, including refugees and asylum grantees. Most applicants fall into the categories of children under 18, parents or caretakers, adults without dependent children, pregnant people, the elderly, and those with disabilities.

Medicaid Application Process

In order to apply for Medicaid in New York, you must report the following information on the Health Insurance Application from New York State: contact information for you and members of your household, all types of income, current health insurance situation, disability status and care, and other health-related questions. You will also need to gather a variety of documents, listed in the application.

In New Jersey, you can apply for Medicaid through NJ Family Care, and you will need to provide your social security number (or document numbers if you are an immigrant), employer and income information, current health insurance information, and information regarding any employer-related health insurance currently available to you.

Legal Assistance for Medicaid Applicants

Don’t let the stress of the application process prevent you from seeking the health coverage you need. While applying for Medicaid may seem complex and time-consuming, getting health insurance will grant you peace of mind even if you don’t have any current health issues. Hiring an experienced Medicaid planning attorney in New York will allow you to focus on what matters: your health and your family. Lissner & Lissner LLP has over 65 years of experience assisting people in the New York metro area with their healthcare planning needs. Call (212) 307-1499 or contact us to schedule a consultation today.

The laws are changing learn more about the NY Medicaid home care law changes.