NY Medicaid Home Care Law Changes

For years, New York has offered a wide range of Medicaid home care programs and services geared toward differing needs. But the regulations surrounding these programs have undergone a dramatic—and largely unwelcome—transformation, which begins to take effect next month.

Filial Responsibility Law

We spend our young lives fully dependent on our parents’ care. It only makes sense that at the end of their lives, we return the favor. Caring for aging parents may seem like simply a moral prerogative, but there are legal grounds as well, known as Filial Responsibility Laws or Filial Support Laws.

New York Pooled Income Trust

A pooled income trust allows individuals to preserve their trust resources for living expenses while remaining eligible for public assistance benefit programs like Medicaid. These trusts are operated by certain nonprofit organizations such as Life, Inc., United Community Services Disability Pooled Trust (UCS Trust Services) and NYSARC.

Medicaid Resource and Income Levels

With healthcare costs rising every year, it’s critical to have a plan to pay for coverage as you age or if you become disabled. Medicare does not cover everything for people over 65. For example, although Medicare pays for hospital care and short-term rehab facilities, it does not cover residential long-term nursing support.